Rental Data Terminals

Rent Inmarsat BGAN Explorer...
With the Inmarsat BGAN Explorer 710, the fastest BGAN ever.
Fast, smart and simple
The first and only BGAN terminal to support Inmarsat's full High Data Rate on-demand streaming service. With speeds averaging 650 kbps, the EXPLORER 710 sets a new standard for mobile video newsgathering. Double...
Rent Inmarsat ISATHUB -...
Take your world with you
Imagine a world where you use your phone or tablet seamlessly to talk, text, access the internet and your apps, independently of cellular and fixed networks. Well that world is here with IsatHub, our global smart device connectivity service. So now you can remain...
Rent Iridium Certus Thales...
The Thales VesseLink Maritim Version
Simple, safe and seaworthy
The Thales terminal is characterized by its special robustness and technical reliability even under the toughest conditions on the high seas. The lightweight ODU external antenna can be perfectly mounted on mast, bridge or stern....
Rent Thuraya IP Orion...
Boundless surfing even at sea with the Thuraya IP Orion for weather data, news, SOS and tracking
Easy installation, seaworthy and affordable data rates
Within Thuraya's network coverage from the west coast of Europe to the Mediterranean, coasts of Africa, south of Africa, marine areas from Africa...
Rent Thuraya IP Voyager...
Boundless surfing on Land with the Thuraya IP Voyager Data Terminal
Fast, robust and cost-effective data rates
Within the network coverage of Thuraya from the west coast of Europe from the north to Africa without the south of Africa over the Middle East to Australia and partly Oceania, the...
Rent Thuraya IP+ Dataterminal
Mobility without compromising on connectivity with the Thuraya IP+ Dataterminal
Simple, lightweight and portable
As the most compact and lightweight satellite broadband terminal in its class, Thuraya IP+ delivers the fastest IP speeds for a terminal of its size. The Thuraya IP+ data terminal is...
Rent Thuraya WE Dual...
Satellite & LTE Hotspot
Staying connected is a priority. It’s at the heart of your social identity and self-expression. It’s how you reach
out to your family and closest friends, to share with them your experiences and news.
We at Thuraya understand this fundamental need, and that’s why we...