external antennas

Active filters

Anti-Piracy IsatDock2...

The intelligent docking station for the Inmarsat IsatPhone Pro - specially designed for use at sea Safety first The anti-piracy solution ensures that communications can continue if all power or communications equipment on board a vessel has been cut off or destroyed by pirates.  The use of the...
Price €3,991.67

external antennakit for...

IsatPhone 2 vehicular antenna Transforms your IsatPhone 2 into a dependable, high-quality voice communications service, while on-the-move
Price €1,890.00


Introducing Kymeta’s next-generation product, the u8. The u8 is the comprehensive connectivity solution that enables trusted, secure communications on the go with a host of new innovative features. Available as Global and FirstNet version
Price €0.00

mobile Satellite antenna...

Suitable for antennas with top mount and 60mm pipe diameter/100cm height. or mast mounting The three removable arms are about 70 cm long. About 20kg powder coated steel price w/o antenna and LNB
Price €1,099.17